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Author: Con-solatio

I had the absolute blessing of spending my whole month-long winter holidays from college with the Con-solatio family in Brooklyn. One thing that struck me foremost was the profound unity of the community. It felt like entering into the Mystery of Heaven, getting a glimpse of what it will look like. It instantly became clear...

Abuelita is one of the strongest women I have had the pleasure to call friend. At the start of my mission, Abuelita was in our home each morning. Teaching us how to cook, knitting, sharing stories, practicing reading, telling me “Poco a poco vas a aprender”...

When we arrived at the shelter in downtown Brooklyn, the room was almost empty. In one corner there was a deaf woman who was playing music and expressively signing to a friend with whom she was video-chatting. Another woman silently sat with her head in her hands. A third lay rather uncomfortably across three chairs,...

Every Sunday, we take the Eucharist to a few elderly people who have the desire to go to Mass but due to their age and health are unable to do so. So, what does God do? He goes to them!! We recently started taking the Communion to one of our friends Señora Leticia. While I...

Of the many children that come through our doors daily, Abe is one that called my attention more quickly. A little rougher around the edges, he can be more violent than the usual rough-and-tumble way of most children here and has difficulty to listen or focus. After discussing in community what we could do to...

When I was still in the States, I was thinking what am I going to do to make a difference? Then, as time passed and little by little discovering the reality, I understood that we are here, to touch the hearts of many, that they may follow a path that, although with obstacles, leads to...

Before my arrival in India, I had a “perfect” image in my mind of what my mission was going to look like. How I thought the Indian people are, the way the food would taste, the things I knew I would struggle with, and the things I was sure would be easy for me....

Often there is a temptation to think about where I am getting to, to think the mission is when I finish walking, at the scheduled place and time, at church or the home of a friend or Mbeobeos (the city dump – more on that soon). But the beauty of this mission is that I...