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“Abdou is one example of the ‘gold’ of Mbeabus (Dakar’s main garbage dump that we visit weekly). We visited him shortly after his wife, who lived with him and was very ill, passed away....

My community recently reflected on the passage from Acts 3:1-10. In this passage, Peter and John encounter a beggar asking for alms. Yet, rather than listen to the beggar’s plea to simply have his stomach filled for the day, they turn their gaze to the deeper cry of the man - the cry for what...

In July, I had the wonderful opportunity to accompany the Con-solatio community and their new volunteers during their orientation. What an immense grace to see the lives of the orientees start to taste the first fruits of this beautiful calling to "stand at the foot of the Cross of Jesus" with Mary!...

How do I begin to give thanks to the Lord for all He has given me and blessed me with during my time in Peru? How do I begin to explain to you the miracles I have witnessed in my own life and the life of others? (…) I can only say that during this...

It was my 10th year in a row, and I couldn’t miss this one!  The Con-solatio benefit concert is always a festive occasion of pure joy. I arrived in the afternoon to help with final preparations. ...

Four months ago, God gave me the opportunity to return to my second home here in Brooklyn. After 3 years of being back from my mission in Argentina, I could no longer resist this longing, this thirst, for immersing my life once again in the charism of Con-solatio. Over the course of my past three...

As many challenges I find in this country, I cannot help but fall in love with it all the more. India is a land of many paradoxes–filth and beauty, mystical and natural, joy and sorrow, all coexist in one wondrous reality. In just a short walk down a street in Chengalpet, I...

As I am drawing near to the end of my mission in El Salvador, I reflect on the moments that were more significant for me. A moment of encounter, a consoling word that was spoken, a kind gesture that created trust with those who were the most marginalized. Some of the populations that are more...

In Wolof, when someone says thank you, the typical response is: “Ñokabok”. Translated, it means, “We are together.” It’s a deeply rooted spirit of community. In contrast to our western exaltation of the individual, in Africa it is the community that reigns. The Senegalese people are always, literally, together, and always ready to lend a...