Hello! My name is Chloe Ferraro and I will be on mission in Japan for 14 months. In 2023, I graduated with a degree in theology and a psychology minor from Franciscan University. Upon graduating, I have been at home in Connecticut living with my family and working in ministry. I have had the privilege to accompany women facing unplanned pregnancies as well as teaching catechesis to an inspiring group of high schoolers.
In the little yet beautiful moments between work and family life during this past year, the desire for mission became more and more prevalent in my heart. Christ was so clear in this call and even more clear in the call to console his heart through the gift of being a Con-solatio missionary.
With Con-solatio, I have found a place where I am most fully myself and freer to love in a way I once thought unattainable.
My heart swells with both gratitude and humility in knowing that there is a continual invitation to say yes to Jesus within every encounter in this mission. How could I refuse such an invitation!