For me, being on mission with Heart’s Home means not just going to a foreign country but also going back to school, back to the Kindergarten of Love. Each day I am challenged to ask the Lord who needs His love the most. Is it our neighbor? Is it little Thiago? Is it my brother or sister of community? It is a constant call to look at those around me and to wash their feet as Jesus did. I am reminded daily that each person is different. There isn’t a rulebook for love. We are asked to love each person as they are wherever they are in their journey. Our Ecuadorian friends have taught me so much about hospitality. Not just hospitality in the sense of welcoming someone into their home, but also their ability to welcome people into their hearts. They have a true gift of availability and are able to set their plans aside to help someone in need whether it be a neighbor, a family member, or us volunteers. They truly teach me to look at others instead of always looking at myself. Isn’t that what we’re all called to do?