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Mary R. – on mission in El Salvador

Hello! My name is Mary R. and I grew up in the little town of Berryville in northern Virginia. I just graduated from The Catholic University of America with my Bachelor’s in Music Composition and I am beyond thrilled to spend 14 months on mission in El Salvador!!

I have had a desire for mission for a long time but I was having difficulty finding a program that was truly setting my heart on fire. A few months ago, a good friend told me about Con-Solatio and I felt the call to give, to surrender, to suffer, to love, just like Mary did at the foot of the Cross by going on mission with this program. Con-Solatio calls us to be present to people in their suffering and I can only hope and pray that the Lord may use me as His instrument to reach their hearts and to allow each person I encounter to see only Him in me and feel the hope of His Resurrection.

Con-Solatio’s mission is a touch of Heaven, but I cannot do this alone – I pray you will consider joining me on this mission through spiritual or financial support. Please know of my love, my gratitude, and my prayers.

Let’s serve His Kingdom together and bring hope to His most beloved people on this side of Heaven!

I am in love with suffering, but I do not know if I deserve the honor.” -St. Ignatius of Loyola




June 3, 2024

