Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am from a small town in Ontario, Canada called Leamington (woohoo go Canada, eh!). My parents are immigrants from Lebanon, and I am the middle child of five children. Growing up, I had a happy childhood with my family, friends and neighbors. Yet, ever since I was young, I have recognized that the reason I was living in peaceful Canada was the result of a generous gift from our Lord. I knew I would one day try to give back to the Lord in thanksgiving for providing my family hope and refuge from war.
Hanging on my fridge door is a quote from St. Phillip Neri saying, “Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength”. Many times, throughout this year, I found myself staring at this quote. In May I graduated from the University of Windsor with an Honours degree in Medical Physics, but I had no plans for next year. I decided to take St. Phillip’s words to heart and put my trust in Him. My heart was searching for a way to give back to the Lord and serve His Church. However, none of the options I considered resonated with this desire until I learned about Con-solatio.
After looking at the website and talking to a former missionary, I felt God calling me to become one of His missionaries. I instantly was drawn to the prayer life and the sincerity of the ministry: being present to our friends, to stand with them through their suffering, and to be humble signs of God’s love. I finally found something that resonated with the deepest longings of my heart! I am happy to announce I will be going to Lima, Peru from November 2020 to August 2021 as a Con-solatio missionary!
During these unprecedented times, a ministry of presence is more important than ever. The marginalized, lonely, and poor are even further marginalized, lonely, and poor. Through your financial and/or spiritual support, you will be journeying with me to Peru to serve our friends in compassion and hope. Together, we will become the hands and feet of Christ. Truly, without your generous support this mission would not be possible. May God bless you and Mother Mary watch over you.