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Sofia S. – on mission in Argentina

Hello friends! My name is Sofia. I was born in New Jersey, and moved to a town in West Texas called Midland at the age of 3. I went to Catholic grade school until 8th grade and transitioned to a public school for high school. I am graduating from the University of Dallas in May of 2022 with a degree in Business. Upon graduating, I considered continuing with school or entering the workforce, but my heart was set on fire with joy when having the opportunity to take time to be a servant of the Lord.

The Lord has always let me rest in the idea to be his hands and feet here on earth. During college I would always find comfort in browsing different mission programs for after graduation. I encountered Con-solatio during one of these browses my sophomore year and continually found myself on the website.

Throughout high school and college, I have always found myself on smaller scale mission trips and volunteer opportunities. And each time my love to serve the Lord has grown and I have found my purpose in him. I desire to know the Lord, and have always found myself in awe of his love and compassion for us as his children. I am excited to encounter a new unfamiliar life that is planned for me by him.

I am overjoyed to invite others into the ministry of compassion and presence with me! Whether it is through spiritual or financial contribution, thank you for making the mission a reality; I cannot do it alone. Thank you so much for considering joining me!




February 10, 2022

