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Peru Tag

Blanca is one of the few people (excluding kids) who comes to the house almost daily. The first time I met her was on the street. We were on our way back home when Karo and Elo saw her and called out her name. Even though she cannot see very well, the sound of their...

One of our friends here that has really impacted me is Manuel at the Garden of Peace–the community we visit where the Missionaries of Charity are. Manuel is handicapped and unable to walk, talk or feed himself....

How do I begin to give thanks to the Lord for all He has given me and blessed me with during my time in Peru? How do I begin to explain to you the miracles I have witnessed in my own life and the life of others? (…) I can only say that during this...

Abuelita is one of the strongest women I have had the pleasure to call friend. At the start of my mission, Abuelita was in our home each morning. Teaching us how to cook, knitting, sharing stories, practicing reading, telling me “Poco a poco vas a aprender”...

Often there is a temptation to think about where I am getting to, to think the mission is when I finish walking, at the scheduled place and time, at church or the home of a friend or Mbeobeos (the city dump – more on that soon). But the beauty of this mission is that I...

Alexa is on mission in Peru. The first time I visited our weekly apostolate, a juvenile detention center for around 800 boys, I attended the Baptism and first Communion of 20 of the boys in the center. As different thoughts were running through my head, I entered the chapel expecting to witness and share this moment...