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Over three full weekends, the hands of many volunteers made our house feel more like home. This noble effort required relatively unglamorous tasks: scraping off decades-worth of old paint, laying down what seemed like miles of tape, sanding until our arms hurt, and finally applying a fresh coat of color....

I will admit with no shame that I spent my last Indian rupees on a large fries at McDonald’s before boarding my flight home. Yes, I was that person who hopped onto a plane in the nick of time with slightly obnoxious aromas wafting through the cabin...

Andie is on mission in India. As often as we in the West talk about the weather, the people here in our corner of India talk about food. ‘How are you?’ is replaced with ‘Saptingelaa?’ (‘Did you eat?’) from which flows an entire conversation about what, when, and how much we ate. Beyond surface-level pleasantries, I’ve come...