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Honduras Tag

We needed bread for breakfast one day, so I let the others know that I was heading the little sale stand down the street to buy some bread, where Ramona works. It was hard for me to gain any sort of trust from Ramona to really form a friendship, but little by little, we have...

Day and night they come, the little children of Honduras. They come calling our names, “Maria, Maria!” “Noellia Noellia!” “Zophia Zophia!” “Naomi, Naomi!” They come to be met, met with something new, something different than the life they are so accustomed to. A life of broken families, a life of violence committed against their bodies,...

R is a very close neighbor of ours who works selling a typical Honduran food called baleadas on the side of the street. A few days ago, R really portrayed the importance of family when a friend came to our gate to tell us that R’s kids were at her sale stand crying. When we...

One day, M., an eleven-year-old girl, came yelling at our gate. This is a very normal occurrence with the kids of the neighborhood, so we weren't too shocked or worried. However, as I approached the gate, I saw that M. had been crying. As I ran to her, asking what the matter was, she responded,...

Every Friday morning, we do a deep cleaning of our house and this particular week was my turn to clean our Chapel (yay! I get to work with Jesus! Sometimes I feel like a Benedictine: Ora Et Labora!) After I took everything out, I started to look for a broom to sweep out the room....

We really are so small and helpless when it comes to the great mystery, adventure and beauty that is the life of God’s love. I am reminded that the kingdom of God belongs to those who are childlike, to those who are small. One must become small in order to love greatly....