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Some time ago as I was looking through some of my pictures with a friend, he remarked “You have them separated into before Perú and after Perú!” He was right. When I returned from my mission to Perú in 2010, it seemed like I was starting a new chapter in my life; so there was...

Like many of you, I felt a great shock followed by a great disappointment with the announcement that all churches would be closed indefinitely. As I was still trying to process how I could continue to live this holy season of Lent and Easter without the normal support of my local church, I received a...

The word “quarantine” comes from the Latin root "quadraginta," meaning “forty.” The word for Lent in many romance languages comes from this root – Carême (French), Cuaresma (Spanish), and Quaresima (Italian). So as we live the quarantine, we are very literally living Lent!...

Due to the current situation of the spread of the coronavirus worldwide, the Con-solatio non-profit wants to remind each one of its members about the importance of following the measures recommended by the civil and health authorities of the country where they reside, and of keeping up to date about the changes and developments thereof. We...

Our Con-solatio community in Brooklyn recently welcomed five students from the University of Notre Dame into our home for several days to share in our lives and ministry. Brigid and Meredith share about their experience! "These few days in the Con-solatio community taught me so much about how impactful the act of friendship and presence is...