2023 Summer Orientation
By Mara W., Volunteer in Brooklyn
We had the joy of welcoming a beautiful and diverse group of 8 young people for our 2023 Summer Orientation – the biggest group in many years! Each orientee brought a different flavor, having heard Christ’s call from across the States, Central America, and the Caribbean! It was a grace for each of us to walk with them in their first steps on this “journey to the heart of God” as a Con-solatio missionary. It was certainly two weeks of many different things: talks, presentations, activities, praying, the Sacraments, workshops, cooking, working, language learning, laughing, questions, discovery. For me, it was an experience of recognizing again the Life given to us by the Spirit through this charism of compassion, that unites everything in Christ.
Through all the struggles and logistics and scheduling and adjusting and readjusting as the two weeks unfolded, it was clear to me that there was a Life ever-growing, ever-moving, and ever-new that was given to each of us, a Life that was “running the show”, that came from beyond us and was unabashed to use our poverties as conduits of this gift. It is a gift given to each of us, to each new missionary, that transforms, stretches, and forms each of us in the very heart of God. A gift of Life that surpasses us and yet is entrusted to us.
Of all the things that were packed into a very intense couple of weeks, unsurprisingly the encounters with our friends were some of the most striking. “Friendship as Formation ” may be one of our many “talks,” but it became a lived experience. Our weekly iSchool participants invited us to a deeper gaze on our life in the biggest iSchool in Brooklyn history (30 of us!); Father Tom offered us his passion for beauty by honoring us with some musical pieces on his bass, accompanied by Justine (former missionary in Senegal) who taught us dances, songs, rhythm, and the beauty of the liturgy. Gael Mooney, a talented artist and friend, invited us to contemplate God’s light reflected in reality; Simonetta, a longtime friend and follower of Giussani, challenged us with her experience accompanying prison inmates, and reminded us all, “This mission, it’s not about you.” Charlie (former missionary in Chile), took a week off work in Texas to simply offer his presence and lend his hands, revealing the power of belonging to a family even across the distance. And the list goes on! God is generous in sending so many hearts willing to say “yes” to this Con-solatio adventure.
We entrust to your prayers our second Fall Orientation in September, as we continue to ask for the grace of more missionaries for this year! May Christ’s call to be instruments of His mercy stir in the hearts of more young people seeking His face.