Tis BBQ season!
By Maria Thanh., Volunteer in Brooklyn
It had been a long time since we gathered together. Thus, on Pentecost Sunday, we reunited for
a BBQ. Most of the ladies who joined us live in our neighborhood. We have gotten to know
them over the past years: we pay them regular visits, and they also come to our home from
time to time. Over time, friendship has blossomed.
When we invited them for the BBQ, their first question was, “What can I bring to share?” We
invited them for 4 pm, but some arrived at 3:30, eager to be with us. Many of them speak
Spanish or broken English; we even had a friend from Poland and several with Italian
backgrounds. One of our friends, who is a chef, took care of the grilling. Each person brought
food from their home country to share. The food was delicious, and everyone was very happy.
Despite language barriers, everyone tried to communicate, using hands or gestures if needed.
Though we couldn’t always understand each other fully, we laughed and enjoyed being
together. One of our friends said, “It is really a mystery. It is hard to communicate and
understand, but there is something beyond our languages—it is the language of love.” People
exchanged phone numbers and became friends, enjoying the time together.
We closed by praying the rosary in different languages. The sun slowly went down and the
weather cooled down; yet no one left until the rosary was finished. Mary kept us company and
brought us together to “be” and “stand” with Her in this world and this place.