A Big Family
By Caroline, friend of Con-solatio
A dear friend recently invited me to a movie night and pot-luck supper with Con-solatio in Brooklyn, of which she is a long-time member. I have occasionally attended these events and always enjoy my evenings with this group. I was certainly not disappointed this time! I brought along a mutual friend and our food contributions and was met with smiles, welcomes, hugs, and kindness. I felt like I had gone home to my family! Where else is one greeted this way?
Before the movie began, we all mingled and the beautiful, kind ladies asked me about my recently married daughter and about myself and my children. They always remember what is going on with me and genuinely care enough to ask how everything is going and what happened since our last meeting. I am always charmed by their charisma and sincere interest in me. They are always looking out for those around them. We sat down together and had our delicious dinner, followed by desserts. Then it was time to enjoy the movie together, like a big family. Definitely what my soul needed that night – beautiful company, a shared dinner, and a wholesome movie about the life of Flannery O’Connor.