A Light in the Darkness
Maria Thanh is on mission in Brooklyn, NY. Because of the situation of the Coronavirus, we continue to call our friends, accompanying them over the phone.
I recently met the lady who is a security guard at the nursing home near our house. Before the Coronavirus struck, I went to visit my friends there, and while I was signing-in at the front door, she asked me, “Who are you?” I said, “I am Maria. I am from Vietnam. I am a missionary.” She asked, “What are you doing in New York?” I said, “I go to visit people everyday.” She continued to ask me, “Why do you go to visit people? You don’t have anything to do?” I said, “First, they are my friends. Second, they are very lonely.” She told me, “I am lonely too. Can you come to visit me?” I said, “Of course, if you want!” So she gave me her number.
Every time that I make phone calls to our friends, I always ask God first, “Who would you like me to call today?” One day, her name suddenly came to my mind. So I called her. She picked up the phone and said, “Thank God!” I didn’t understand… I asked, “Why did you say that?” She said, “God is listening to me because I am in darkness. I am in fear. So I asked God, ‘If you are with me, if you are present, please send me someone! Give me some light to help me to continue my life!’ I had just finished that sentence when you called me.”
Three days later, she called me back to ask me to pray for her daughter’s soul. Her daughter had passed away because of the coronavirus. So now, I accompany her through prayer and phone calls.