A Place Where Everyone Is Welcome
By Kristine, Former missionary
I had the absolute blessing of spending my entire month-long winter vacation from college with the Con-solatio family in Brooklyn. One thing that struck me most was the profound unity of the community. It felt like entering into the Mystery of Heaven, getting a glimpse of what it will look like. It instantly became clear to me that the reason they are able to love all their friends so uniquely, beautifully, and fruitfully is because they first take this love seriously among themselves. No one but Christ could be the nourishing root of such loving unity, which is ever open and welcoming of anyone that comes their way. In this case it was myself that was so lovingly welcomed into their home.
Once a friend came to visit us for a cup of tea in the afternoon. It was a beautiful time together, but it slowly became dark, and our friend told us she had to go, since she lived further away. However, she kept sitting and charmingly engaged us in another interesting conversation. Several times she was about to go, but decided to stay for another five minutes until she realized it was really the time to leave. She said “I would like to stay here longer…”, and I realized that I do too. I would like to stay there longer too. I felt like Peter during the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. Together with him and our friend who was about to leave I could say in my heart “Lord, it is good for us to be here”. Christ is so tangible within that wonderful home and within the heart of each of the missionaries there, that somehow it is truly a home for everyone, a place to be looked at, fully accepted, and profoundly loved. This is what I take with me as I return to my own mission in Colorado College – to let Christ make my heart a place where everyone is welcome.