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Author: Con-solatio

One day, M., an eleven-year-old girl, came yelling at our gate. This is a very normal occurrence with the kids of the neighborhood, so we weren't too shocked or worried. However, as I approached the gate, I saw that M. had been crying. As I ran to her, asking what the matter was, she responded,...

Since returning from Orientation in Brooklyn a couple of weeks ago, my time spent there almost seems like a dream. Not because it seems distant, but because of my experience of the Con-solatio way of life. The orientation was full of talks, meeting new people, and living a life that seemed really different. While I...

It’s summer here which means camp!! We were blessed to be able to take the kids from our neighborhood to camp. We spent 4 days, in nature playing games, playing soccer, swimming, roasting marshmallows, and enjoying time together. I felt our friendship with the kids grow, as we learned how to love each other through...

For the past several years my former sisters of community from our Con-solatio student house have met over zoom every Advent and Lent for an informal gathering. We pick something spiritually nourishing to read and reflect on together. Last summer, I finally opened up Come, Abide. I devoured the introduction and first chapter; my heart...

During my spring break this past March, I had the opportunity to visit Con-solatio in New York City with 9 other student missionaries from my university. When we arrived at their house in Brooklyn, the Con-solatio missionaries there welcomed our group with incredible joy and hospitality. After sharing lunch with them, two of the missionaries...

Every Wednesday we take the bus to a little village near Deva called Mintia. One of the people we visit in Mintia is a little girl named Vanessa. Vanessa is 8 years old and was born without kneecaps so she is only able to walk on her knees. Vanessa doesn’t have many friends because she...

Cienna is a friend that is characterized by the saying: “When our mission house was bought, she came with the house.” The first time I met Cienna, all I heard was banging on the window and a very loud yell, “LETIII”. I opened the door and before I could say hello, she was already inside...

When I first arrived on Sunday for a day with Con-solatio, I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t know what we were going to be doing, and I didn’t know how much fun I was going to have. We had snacks, and then we played a game where someone had to mouth a...

Over three full weekends, the hands of many volunteers made our house feel more like home. This noble effort required relatively unglamorous tasks: scraping off decades-worth of old paint, laying down what seemed like miles of tape, sanding until our arms hurt, and finally applying a fresh coat of color....