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Author: Con-solatio

Normally, I dread events like galas and fundraisers. But I have come to expect a pleasant surprise upon meeting up with the Con-solatio crew under any circumstances. There is always great dignity, purpose and grace in the air when we meet, and somehow this opens up possibilities I did not see. During the evening stories were...

If you have ever visited us in Brooklyn, you may have met our friend Willy. And if you have met him, you certainly would remember him: a big man with a big heart, and quite a big share in the cross. Abandoned at birth, he was adopted by a Cherokee woman who had seven children...

One day, M., an eleven-year-old girl, came yelling at our gate. This is a very normal occurrence with the kids of the neighborhood, so we weren't too shocked or worried. However, as I approached the gate, I saw that M. had been crying. As I ran to her, asking what the matter was, she responded,...

Since returning from Orientation in Brooklyn a couple of weeks ago, my time spent there almost seems like a dream. Not because it seems distant, but because of my experience of the Con-solatio way of life. The orientation was full of talks, meeting new people, and living a life that seemed really different. While I...

It’s summer here which means camp!! We were blessed to be able to take the kids from our neighborhood to camp. We spent 4 days, in nature playing games, playing soccer, swimming, roasting marshmallows, and enjoying time together. I felt our friendship with the kids grow, as we learned how to love each other through...

For the past several years my former sisters of community from our Con-solatio student house have met over zoom every Advent and Lent for an informal gathering. We pick something spiritually nourishing to read and reflect on together. Last summer, I finally opened up Come, Abide. I devoured the introduction and first chapter; my heart...

During my spring break this past March, I had the opportunity to visit Con-solatio in New York City with 9 other student missionaries from my university. When we arrived at their house in Brooklyn, the Con-solatio missionaries there welcomed our group with incredible joy and hospitality. After sharing lunch with them, two of the missionaries...

Every Wednesday we take the bus to a little village near Deva called Mintia. One of the people we visit in Mintia is a little girl named Vanessa. Vanessa is 8 years old and was born without kneecaps so she is only able to walk on her knees. Vanessa doesn’t have many friends because she...