Becoming a Son of God
By Maria Thanh, Current Missionary in Brooklyn, NY
In my English class, I met a lady named Lena. We became friends little by little, and I learned that she loves to pray the rosary. One day, she came to class upset. I did not know what had happened, so when the class ended, I simply asked her, “Would you like for me and some of our friends to come to your house to pray a rosary for your family and your intentions?” She said, “YES!” Then she added, “It would be a gift from God.”
So we came. While we were starting, Lena called Jacob, her 8 year old son, to come pray with us. As I was praying “Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,” Jacob asked, “Do I have a Father in heaven? I thought that I only had one father… So who is my Father in heaven? I want to meet Him!” I told Jacob that I would explain after the rosary. He was so excited – it seemed he couldn’t wait to know! Finally we finished and I told him about God our Father. Then I asked him, “Would you like to be baptized to become the son of God?” He said, “Yes!” with big open eyes.
Jacob went to the church next to his house to begin studying catechism. However, when he finished, he could not receive baptism right away because of COVID. He was so sad because he had to wait without knowing when it would be possible. Suddenly his mom got a date for his baptism! On his baptism day, Jacob looked like a child who was so thirsty to become a son of God. When we saw his face, there was only joy and happiness.