There is so much I wish to say but cannot. I wish to tell them how much this experience has helped me. The smiles that they wear, the love of God they share with me...
I’ve met a woman from Mexico named Rosa. She is 37 years old, has two children, and is suffering from cancer and asthma. She loves to pray the rosary, so one day I asked her, “Would you like to invite our friends to come to your house and we pray the rosary together twice a...
With the lock-down, we at Con-solatio have been joining other volunteers at pop-up food distributions every week throughout Brooklyn. We want to go and serve those in need in these difficult times. Mostly, we want to spend time with them....
Last Sunday, after flying paper airplanes with Xadim and his brothers and praying the rosary on the rooftop, we decided to go visit our neighbors in the apartments across the road, to deliver Easter cards and a bit of joy. We put on our masks (which have become mandatory in the streets), I grabbed the guitar and...
I recently met the lady who is a security guard at the nursing home near our house. I went to visit my friends there, and while I was signing-in at the front door, she asked me, "Who are you?" I said, "I am Maria. I am from Vietnam. I am a missionary."...