Christian Love Knows No Bounds
By Susanne and Greg A., Parents
In July 2023, God called our daughter to join the Con-Solatio Mission in San Jose, Costa Rica. With the support of her family, friends, she faithfully accepted the call and committed herself to accompanying others while revealing Christ’s life-giving love and truth.
In April, we had the privilege of visiting her. As parents, we wanted to understand the essence of the call to presence that the Lord had entrusted to her. The missionaries were wonderful women from around the globe, dedicated to bringing Christ’s grace and peace to their community through their service. Although there was a language barrier at times, the Lord’s presence and peace were palpable. Our daughter’s household members welcomed us with open arms, genuine delight, and kindness. We all practiced patience and shared many laughs as we navigated communication between languages. We felt honored to be with such beautiful and inspiring women.
We met some of our daughter’s friends, visited a rehabilitation center, and were gifted a beautiful artwork by a talented artist. We were also welcomed into Costa Rican homes, where we enjoyed lively conversation, delicious food, and a tour of orchids and bonsai trees. These generous people opened their hearts and homes to us without reservation, and we will always be incredibly grateful. Christian love knows no bounds. We will never forget their kindness and generosity, and the Costa Rican people will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Pura Vida and God Bless.