Close to My Heart: Moments From Orientation
There is so much I wish to say but cannot.
I wish to tell them:
How much this experience has helped me.
The smiles that they wear,
The love of God they share with me.
Through their gazes and singing,
Through their laughter and presence.
They have helped me to grow,
To trust.
To show that I am loved.
I have been able to open up,
I have learned that they are by me,
Even in my suffering.
They have shown me beauty,
Through the little things.
The plants and nature,
Grapevines and male plants.
They have taught me new things:
To sing,
To adore Christ,
To empty basements full of water,
With smiles on their faces.
They have listened,
And they have shared with me.
They have opened their hearts to me,
And allowed me to enter.
They have shared their food,
And their responsibilities.
They have shared their love for God.
These moments,
This experience,
I will treasure in my heart,
And share with the people I go home to.
My heart aches to leave them.
I leave part of it here.
But as I go,
I will keep them close to my heart,
And I will be with them
When I go to adore my,
Beloved Christ.