Come Abide: A Trove of Gems
By Amy N., Alumn
For the past several years my former sisters of community from our Con-solatio home have met over zoom every Advent and Lent for an informal gathering. We pick something spiritually nourishing to read and reflect on together. Last summer, I finally opened up Come, Abide. I devoured the introduction and first chapter; my heart began to burn as I remembered my own profound moments with Con-solatio. I suddenly knew this was not a book to rush through and finish in a couple of sittings. I needed to let each friendship, each encounter, each chapter nourish me slowly. I needed time to reflect as I remembered my own experiences. I needed to share this flame that was sparked once again. I forced myself to stop reading and patiently waited until Advent.
This time, instead of just our small group, we decided to invite several others to join us. In the end, we had a beautifully diverse group – some connected to Con-solatio and some not, some Catholic, some Protestant and some questioning their faith, yet all contributing gems of their own experiences that were inspired by the stories we read. Providence seemed to be guiding us as we finished Advent with chapter 5, entitled “He Comes to Sit in our Trash Heaps”- a very ‘Christmasy’ chapter. We are now continuing into Lent and I see the chapter named “Here, at the Foot of the Cross” coming soon. I am grateful for the myriad of ways the Holy Spirit continues to nourish my soul through the work of Con-solatio.