Family Reunion Weekend
By Amy, former missionary in Honduras and now a wife and mother
The intensity of this past year left me feeling pretty drained. While I looked forward to returning to “normal,” I also felt exhausted, and unsure of how to move forward without completely abandoning the lessons learned during the pandemic. I said to God, “I wish I could find a retreat or somewhere that would give me the space and place to begin to process these new beginnings!” A week later an invitation arrived as an answered prayer.
My husband, 5 year old son, 3 year old daughter, dear friend from our student Con-solatio house, and I flew from Washington State to Tennessee for the first time. It felt a little crazy and I wondered if it would be uncomfortable being around people, including some strangers, after being fairly isolated for so long. I should have known that truly we were attending a family reunion with our family, even those who we met for the first time. All of it was completely natural. My son instantly knew he was with people who loved him and gladly went from person to person hiking, looking for Tennessee creatures, and enjoying the beauty around us.
Through the familiar Con-solatio rhythm of prayer, talks, quality time with people who are family, and recreation to some beautiful locations around Chattanooga my emptied, tired soul was filled. I could see my immediate family and the other members in attendance also being nourished by each other’s presence. I thank God that He has called us to serve in such an amazing and joyful way. What could be better than living a life of friendship with others?