By Madison, on mission in the Ukraine in 2011-2012
Oh, this little boy! Just thinking about him makes me miss him! Georgie is eight years old, and has an illness that messes around with his hormones; the medicine he takes for mood control makes his body swell up real big. And he doesn’t speak. I loved loved LOVED communicating with him through body language!
I was amazed to be able to recognize emotion in such a strong way when I looked into those blue little eyes! Georgie always knows what he wants. During one of the liturgies (Orthodox), Georgie went up to receive Holy Communion. As he walked away from Fr. Filaret I observed on his face a changed expression (as he was a little grumpy that day) as he came up to me, took my hand, and tried to lead me to the Eucharist. I tried gesturing to him that I wouldn’t go (because I couldn’t receive out of respect for the wishes of the Orthodox community.) He tugged at me and with a big smile pointed at me in my chest and then excitedly pointed towards Fr. Filaret who was spooning out the Blessed Sacrament into open and eager little mouths! He knew! He knew the Mystery! And he wanted me to know this Mystery too! My heart just beat so rapidly at such a sweet gesture and desire from such a deep little man! He next moved onto his grandmother who, after his persistent tugging, went to receive the Blessed Mystery—and he was satisfied.
It was also such a joy for me. Ah! When he danced he just had the most jubilant of expressions on his face! I’m having a hard time explaining what this little boy did to my heart, but maybe, it’s a start to say that he’s helped me to begin to appreciate and love more perfectly children like himself, those that cannot speak with words, and those with disabilities. Now, I have more of a desire to be with those children that still have emotions and the energy to live despite their disabilities…those that are in desperate need of someone to play with them, that are in need of a presence to walk with them through their difficult lives; when you give of yourself to them with a childish openness, you receive a beautiful and particular gift of friendship in return!