Given All Things in God’s Love
By Sarah A., preparing for mission in Costa Rica
Since returning from Orientation in Brooklyn a couple of weeks ago, my time spent there almost seems like a dream. Not because it seems distant, but because of my experience of the Con-solatio way of life. The orientation was full of talks, meeting new people, and living a life that seemed really different. While I was there, we had a big Easter party; the house was full of many friends from the surrounding community and of former volunteers. After having such full days the week before Easter, a big party wasn’t something that I was really looking forward to. Yet as I watched the community members interacting with their friends, I noticed they had this glow to them. They had lived the same intense week beforehand as I had and yet they still had so much to give to their friends. I realized that it takes a lot of strength from God to live this life.
After the Easter week, I was thinking, “How am I going to be able to go on mission if it’s like this? This is so exhausting!” Yet I now see that people believe in me and God has called me. He provides for me through those who are supporting me. Who am I to doubt Him, His support, and His call? The past couple of weeks God has shown how increasingly generous He can be. I have so many supporters who are incredibly generous and willing to give without complaining. Through this generosity, God is showing me that I am given all things in His love.