God Listens to Our Hearts
By Maria Thanh, on mission in Brooklyn
I would like to share with you a story about Diana and Cirilo. Diana is from Mexico, so I met her four years ago in my English class. She is a quiet one, but her presence is so beautiful. We always greeted each other with a smile in class and over time, I began to sit next to her. We started to study together and help each other. One day, Diana saw a rosary in my hand and she asked, “Do you pray the Rosary often?” I replied “Yes, I do!” She said, “My family prays the Rosary too, but it would be nice if we could pray together.” I asked her, “Do you want me to come to your house to pray the Rosary with you?” Diana said “Yes, please!” So, I went to her house with another woman in my community. Through prayer, our friendship grew and we came to pray the Rosary more often. Each time we came to pray, Diana always prepared something for us; we prayed, we ate, we shared, we had amazing conversation.
Diana was open to share deeply, and she told us that she and her husband Cirilo had been living together for almost 20 years, yet they were not married in the Church. Her heart was longing for God; she was hungry and thirsty for the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We asked, “Diana? Have you ever thought about getting married in the Church?” She said, “I had thought about that. But my husband works all the time and I didn’t know how it could happen!” Then we said, ”Diana, look! We are here to pray for that!” We kept her intentions in the heart of Our Lady.
Three weeks ago, Diana sent me a message saying, “October 1st, Cirilo and I are going to marry in the Church! I want to invite you and your community to attend my wedding Mass.” I could not believe it. I was so happy for her! Through Diana, I realized that where our heart is, God is there. He is always listening to our desires and our intentions. Little by little, God satisfied Diana’s heart. Now she is truly free and happy.