The Hope Hidden Within the Cross
By Mary M., on mission in Romania
Every week, for the past 28 years, our volunteers have visited a village near Deva. There, we often visit Elena*, a mother of four boys. She had her first boy at age 13 or 14, and she is now in her early twenties. Her boys are Nicholas*, Christopher*, Lucas*, and Michael*. These boys are simply some of the biggest joys during my week. Every time we see them, they come running up to us and hug us. This family is truly special. Elena has shared with us how with each pregnancy, she considered an abortion. Yet each time, she decided to keep her baby, even though her resources were slim. Even through immense hardship, the love that she chose has simply blossomed over the years.
I’ll never forget the moment during Holy Week when we were six girls packed into their house to stay away from the rain. Elena insisted that we come in. She served hot tea or coffee to every one of us and the children all gathered around to play card games. Elena, who had accepted these four boys into her life truly brings the light of the Resurrection to us precisely because she has accepted herself to love, with many crosses, her boys who have been given to her. As the Greek Catholic Liturgy sings during Easter, “O happy tomb! It received within itself the Creator, as one asleep, and it was made a divine treasury of life.” This house, this place where the Cross is imminently present is also the place of the divine treasury of life, where we can delight like children because we know that we are loved by Elena and by the children. Their hearts, like Christ’s heart, are opened wide on the Cross, their arms outstretched to receive every one of us. Within this love, there appears the resurrecting light; within this tomb, there appears the hope and delight that was hidden in the Cross. And, within this house, we, the poor ones that are yearning for love, are embraced and redeemed by Elena’s love.
*Names have been changed to protect people’s privacy