Maria Comes to My Side
By Marian, former missionary in Brooklyn, NY
Maria very humbly called from Con-solatio to ask if she could stay with me for 10 days at the end of July, while her community traveled outside the country. I knew it was going to be a busy time for me, but I said, “Sure! Of course you may come, Maria!” At that time, my life felt rather ragged and messy, stuffed to the brim and toppling over. Yet now I had someone at my side and ready to help me at every turn. A sweet friend, open and available, and… seeing all my scraggly imperfections. It was easy to welcome Maria – she is so dear and sweet and kind and oodles of fun! But it was not easy to welcome myself exposed in my flaws and weaknesses.
Maria and I had many adventures together! “Non-stop!”, as we kept exclaiming. We harvested berries, green beans, tomatoes, and flowers at a local farm share. We went on visits to my elderly friends and brought Communion to the homebound. We went to a women’s Sunday luncheon. We took bread loaves to homeless friends downtown. We visited art galleries. We went on Rosary walks through the neighborhood. We prayed a lot together. And we laughed and laughed and laughed until we cried.
As the days went on, I realized the cost of having someone close enough to see my ruffled edges was well worth it. She was also close enough to love me there. Soon my ruffled moments became accompanied moments. I was no longer alone in all of my little comings and goings that usually only God sees. There beside me was Maria. And so, in the midst of my crumbly, fumbly, full, blessed life, Mary came to my side! Mary came through Maria. Standing at the foot of my cross, as we stood together at the foot of each friend’s cross.