Planting Seeds in the Good Southern Soil!
From March 28 to April 2nd, we enjoyed a great time of mission in Miami, Florida. Why Miami? Why not! One main reason being that a Cuban family we love dearly, moved there a year ago, following a Catholic exodus from NY to the Southern state. It’s time to plant the seeds of our charism in the good southern soil!
Fr. Roberto, a priest from Argentina, made us feel at home right away, in his parish located just a short walk from the beach. God was truly on our side since a chance encounter, a few days before our departure, providentially opened for us the doors of Miami: Aramis introduced us to many young adult groups throughout the city. Every night we were expected at a different parish — or at a different pub, or both. A good soil it is: of the few parishes we visited, several have 24/7 adoration, daily confessions, and one or several youth groups.
Of all the beautiful encounters made throughout the week, one that was particularly striking was a young Mexican girl, who was recently brought to God by the sense of wonder awakened in her by her studies in medicine. As the charism seemed to strike a chord in her, we offered her the book Come Abide. By chance (that is, Providence) we ran into her on the last day of our trip. Overjoyed, she pulled the book from her bag, a bookmark well into it. “I am expecting friends, she explained with a smile. We go to the beach and we’ll read a few chapters together!”