Seeds of Solace
By Andrea T., Current Missionary in India
A little while ago we welcomed Chandramma, the mother of our friend Saravananna, for a one-week stay in the Garden of Mercy, a village of homes where we welcome people who need refuge to live with us. Years ago, Chandramma suffered a stroke following the sudden deaths of her husband and son, and she fell into a deep depression. Her remaining son Saravananna, a devout Hindu, became her primary caretaker. Years of growing tension and isolation from his family left Saravananna yearning for a change.
The moment Chandramma arrived, her eyes locked with mine. In her gaze, I could sense the fullness of her humanity — exigent yet wearied. Each day during her stay, her family came to visit and give her the care she needed: bathing, clothing, and feeding. As I sat with them, I watched as years of exhaustion gave way to the rediscovery of tenderness and hospitality. Saravananna sometimes sang to his mother, her grandchildren played in the open field next to her room, and her daughters brought food to share with our entire community. Visiting Chandramma in the Garden opened the eyes of her family to her presence in the midst of her absence. At the close of the week, they took Chandramma home with renewed hope and overflowing gratitude.
One week after their experience in the Garden, Chandramma passed away. After the time of mourning was finished, Ann and I found Saravananna sitting on the bridge visibly crumpled under the weight of his grief. After a few minutes of silence he said with a weak smile, “This place…beautiful people…and sweet memories.” Amidst his suffering, the seeds of joy in memories past were blooming into solace.