Sent Forth to Senegal
Gerry and Veronica are the parents of Maria, who just left for mission in Senegal.
As Maria’s parents, we were so excited when Maria first told us that she felt called to go on a mission to Senegal, Africa through Con-solatio. This was primarily because we both felt that their ministry of presence would be the perfect ministry for her.
As we gathered together with our family, community, pastor, parish, and Con-solatio, to send Maria off on her mission, we were overcome by all of the love, prayers, and donations that had been so lavishly poured out by so many upon our daughter. This Sending Forth Mass meant the world to Maria and she made sure to let us know. We both realized what a grace it was for Maria to have heard the call of God and to have responded to it so quickly. We knew that it was His love that He had put in her heart and that if He had called her, He would also see her through to the end of her mission.
Despite all of the uncertainties of this call, there is one thing that we know for sure and that gives us great peace and joy as parents: our girl is going to show up with a smile on her face and love in her heart and is going to attempt to say “Yes” to Jesus, hidden in His children. May His be her hands, her feet, and her voice so that His love will be made manifest through her!