The Mission is Alive
By Molly L., Outreach Coordinator
This past month, I had the joy of spending five days at SEEK24, a conference by FOCUS for over 20,000 college students. In the area dubbed “Mission Way,” we sponsored a booth to share about the mission of Con-solatio for potential young volunteers. Our 10×10 booth became like a little Con-solatio house for the week, where the mission was given to the four of us.
Just like in our mission, we were an international community, as I – who had been on mission in India – was joined by Kristine who had gone to Senegal, Marie who went to Italy, and Selen who was in El Salvador. Four different continents- we were well represented!
We lived the prayer life, through daily Mass and adoration, and were reminded how essential the Eucharist is to fill us, just as we discover on mission. We prayed the Liturgy of the Hours together, and were able to invite in whomever happened to be at our booth at the time.
Every minute spent at our booth, the apostolate was alive. With tea, a hammock, Tiki-Toss, and most of all our presence, our booth became a place of hospitality, rest, and friendship to many who passed by. Some grabbed a pamphlet and passed along their email address before rushing off to the next talk. Others came and stayed awhile, thirsting for a place to belong. Many were moved by our mission, inspired either to learn more about us or to live the missions they have already received in a deeper way.
This week was an opportunity to see how our mission is something given, and that we carry in ourselves. It is truly alive in each one of us.