Upon Those Who Say Yes
On Friday, October 25, Gabriel M. (alum who served in Argentina) and Diana C. celebrated their wedding in San Antonio, TX. This joyous occasion was special for many reasons. It allowed us to witness the couple’s heartfelt “yes” to one another, support them on their journey, pray for and with them, and give thanks to God for their beautiful vocation.This was also a wonderful occasion to meet the families and friends of the couple, including many sponsors who supported Gabriel’s mission.
Our trip south also provided us with an opportunity to reconnect with friends in the great state of Texas and engage with young people who might be interested in our mission. We began our visit in Houston, where we visited some former volunteers: Tori (who served in Honduras), Jesse and their three daughters; Mattias (who served in Ecuador), Suyin (who served in Thailand and Uruguay), and their daughter, along with a baby on the way!
From Houston, we traveled to College Station and San Antonio, where we were able to share about our mission at a table in a Catholic Center. And had the joy to meet the families of other alumni – like Sofia’s siblings and Kelsey’s parents, who graciously hosted us for our last night in Texas.
As I reflect on these few days, I feel a deep sense of joy filled with cherished memories, meaningful encounters, and the contemplation of the blessings God bestows upon those who say “yes” to Him. I am particularly grateful to witness this company of friends thriving in Texas, faithfully proclaiming the presence of God’s Kingdom. By His grace, I am thankful to be part of this journey and to serve its growth.