Walking Together to the Cross
By Julia, on mission in Peru
The other evening, one of Carmen’s sons showed up at our door. I asked him how his mom was doing, as I knew she wasn’t feeling well the other day. He shared with me that Carmen’s cancer was back and stronger than before.
So the next day we went to visit the family. We sat with two of her children, Daniel (22) and Madeline (18), and her grandson, Ryan (4). We spent our time playing with Ryan and listening to Daniel share very openly about how his mom is the one person in his life who he can share everything with. He didn’t talk about wanting his mom to get better or being worried if she would make it. He only spoke about hoping that the will of God would be accomplished through her. I sat in awe listening to the faith and trust this family has in God; faith that through prayer, their hearts and their wills will be united to Christ’s.
The following day, we learned that Carmen was home from the hospital for a few days, so we decided to visit her. Through all of the stories that Carmen had shared over the past few months, I always knew she had a great faith. This time in her suffering, I was able to witness it as she spoke of what she is currently living.
“God is so good that he gave me this illness and not my children.”
“Prayer is a grace, I can’t make myself pray.”
“Wait for God and struggle.”
I sat listening as she spoke with unwavering faith. Eventually we prayed the rosary together and I couldn’t help but cry. How unworthy am I to call her my friend! A woman of great faith and even greater faith in times of suffering. In moments like these, I am reminded that these friendships are simply a gift. That God for some reason has deemed us worthy to walk together to the cross.