We Were Led
By Mary M. – Deva, Romania
One day in the last two weeks of my mission, I knew it was going to be super full—this was my second to last chance visiting one of the neighborhoods in Deva, “Pe deal Sus,” a neighborhood behind a grocery store on a hill, with a beautiful view. Yet, ironically, it is totally unseen by most of Deva, for it is a neighborhood that is ostracized and left without any governmental regulation.
Suddenly, two children that we know approached us. We had been trying to play with them for quite some time now, but they were not at home. They hugged us excitedly and led us to their home. We were led. That is the moment of encounter with Christ, with Love incarnate, here in children. We were led. That is the moment of letting go of one’s plans, even if they are good, for the sake of the Cross, for the sake of the crucified Lord, who aches to be with us just as these children ached to have a visit. We were led, and what glorious joy we found there!
We sat outside, enjoying time with the children and their grandmother. We played games, and the best part was that everyone did each other’s hair. They had tiny rubber binders and so we tried to put the most rubber binders we could in each person’s hair. It was quite a sight. I said goodbye to the children that were not on my plan of goodbyes, but were in God’s plan.