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On Wednesday, January 18, 2023 about 150 people gathered at Cobble Hill Cinemas to attend Con-solatio’s movie night. This month, we were invited to the screening of De Son Vivant (Peaceful), a rare and courageous movie written by Emmanuelle Bercot and starring Catherine Deneuve, Benoit Magimel, Cecile de France, and Dr. Gabriel Sara, who...

My very first apostolate in Deva was at the Monastery, which is a home for children who do not have families to take care of them. The children are there either because their parents have died, their parents struggle with substance abuse, or simply because their families cannot afford to care for them. We try...

Every Friday morning, we do a deep cleaning of our house and this particular week was my turn to clean our Chapel (yay! I get to work with Jesus! Sometimes I feel like a Benedictine: Ora Et Labora!) After I took everything out, I started to look for a broom to sweep out the room....

We weren’t exactly ready when they arrived. There was no hot water for tea, the children’s activity hadn’t been set up, and the mulled wine was still being brewed. So, while several volunteers continued to discreetly make preparations, a few of us sat with the first guests and welcomed them to our celebration of hope....

It’s 6:30 on a Saturday evening and I’m sitting cross-legged on the couch of a dear friend in Chengalpet. Wearing my sari, I admire our friend Ammu as she prepares herself for the wedding that we will attend together. Ammu is decked in her favorite gold sari...